Introducing the "Soul Love Bundle" - Your Pathway to Inner Harmony and Transformation!

Are you ready to experience profound serenity, tap into your highest potential, and ignite your soul's journey? Look no further than our exclusive "Soul Love Bundle"! This extraordinary meditation collection, originally priced at $120, is now available at an irresistible price for a limited time.

  • Energy Boundary and Protection Meditation:

    Safeguard your spiritual well-being and shield yourself from negative influences. This transformative meditation empowers you to establish energetic boundaries, creating a protective shield around your aura.

  • Healing Heart-Centered Gratitude Alignment Meditation:

    Open your heart to a deep sense of gratitude and unlock the healing power within. This enchanting meditation invites you to align with your heart's desires, fostering a profound state of gratitude and harmony.

  • Akashic Records Purpose Exploration & Meditation:

    Embark on an awe-inspiring journey into the depths of your soul's purpose. Connect with the wisdom of the akashic records, unearthing hidden truths and unlocking your true potential.


More reviews & testimonials can be found at

“"Hi everyone! I was re-listening to Kendra's healing & activation meditation - meeting your future self yesterday & I had the most intense experience. I saw a bright white light and saw myself surrounded in it. The vision was so clear, I was smiling back at myself. the light was so bright I started to blink and that's when I realized I was still meditation. I had this powerful feeling that my third eye was opening up. I have never experienced anything like this before. Usually while meditating I may get buzzing noises or can feel a shift in my energy. This was something completely different! I just wanted to share that and say thank you, Kendra! ”

Soulpreneur Life Customer "Happy client"

“"I loved the healing activations! thank you for an inspiring class, and I love the Soulpreneur Group!"”

Soulpreneur Life Customer "Happy client"

Soul-Love Bundle

Embrace Your Journey of Transformation with the Soul-Love Bundle! Treat yourself to this extraordinary bundle, designed to empower and inspire you as you navigate a new stage of personal growth. Infused with a loving energy and vibrant vibe, this collection will help you explore your true self and move forward with unwavering clarity.

    1. Required: Agreement, Disclaimer, Code of Ethics

    2. Congratulations on investing in yourself! [Meditation Bundles]

    1. Energy Boundary Healing & Protection Meditation [Downloadable]

    2. Healing Heart Centered Gratitude Alignment Meditation [Downloadable]

    3. Akashic Records Purpose Exploration & Meditation [Downloadable]

    1. If you're ready to further align your life and business with your desires...

    2. Updated SL eBooklet: Akashic Records

    3. Book your Gifted Discovery Call: External Link

    4. Would you leave an honest Google Review?

    5. Meditation Questionnaire [Optional to receive a gifted meditation]

    1. Gifted Activation & Healing. Meet Animal Spirit Guide & Release Stress. [12:14]

About the Soul-Love Bundle

  • $14.00
  • 11 lessons

Ignite Your Inner Radiance and Embrace Transformation!

But that's not all! Along with this incredible meditation bundle, you will receive amazing bonuses to enhance your spiritual journey:

  • eBooklet on the Akashic Records:

    Delve into the profound wisdom of the Akashic Records with this comprehensive eBooklet. Gain a deeper understanding of this sacred realm and harness its insights to expand your consciousness and transform your life.

  • Gifted Discovery Call:

    Explore the areas of your life or business where blind spots may be holding you back. Kendra, our expert guide, will offer a complimentary discovery call to help you uncover hidden obstacles and provide guidance on how she can support your transformative journey.

  • Surprise Meditation:

    Immerse yourself in an additional gifted meditation designed to surprise and uplift your spirit. Let the unexpected take you on a mystical journey of healing, growth, and spiritual expansion.

I'm all in!

Get started now