The Ascendant Circle Membership Hub
Enhance your journey with the Ascendant Circle Membership Hub. Discover resources, bonuses, and strategies to optimize your subscription and achieve your goals.
Welcome to The Ascendant Circle Membership Hub!
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January Monthly Calendar
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January Challenge: Releasing & Renewing Challenge. Theme: Letting Go of the Old
Presentation: January Challenge: Releasing & Renewing Challenge. Theme: Letting Go of the old
Early Bird Membership Bonus List
Chakra Healing Guide: Steps to Open, Reset, and Balance Your Energy Centers This guide walks you through the steps to open, reset, and balance your chakras, along with tools to deepen your practice.
Presentation: Chakra Healing Guide: Steps to Open, Reset, and Balance Your Energy Centers
Visualization: Mindfulness & Energy Activation Energy Alignment for 2025 Intentions
Mindfulness and Energy Activation Presentation
Gifts, Passions & Values. The path to your calling. [Podcast]
Quantum physics, science & spirituality. FAQ. Supplement.
Today’s Journey with the Land and Spirit